'Run, Run, Run' Setup
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Welcome to Dwarf War

This is the initial setup of the Caverns for the Scenario Run, Run, Run of the Dwarf War Solo/Coop Game System. We will take you through each Cavern in the Complex and give an overview of the Pieces in each.

Before you read through the rules you should follow this setup guide and go through the first three screens of the tutorial itself.

Board Modifications

You should set up this board as shown with the Tunnels in place. The real Board has Tunnels with red cord, they are shown here in yellow for better visibility.

Place an additional Unit Camp on the Dead Position in front of the Gem Storage Positions in Player Base I and Player Base II.


Description Area

The description area to the left describes the action taking place on the screen.

There may be more than one screen per game round.

Cavern Area

These will focus on the cavern or caverns that are described. You can drag around a zoomed image, or click on it to return it to 100% and click again to zoom in on another part.

Card Area

Below is the card deck area. Each of the active mini-decks has a thumbnail, click on it to see the revealed contents of the particular deck. You can click on the deck itself to zoom in if the text is too small.

This will focus to the last deck changed during the action.

Combat Calculations

This pane normally has the Combat Calculations.

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Statistics Cards
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Statistics Card

Statistics cards detail the Strength, Movement and Special Abilities (...obviously?) of the Player and Game NPCs.

They can be viewed but may in some circumstances be used to select randomly between them during the course of the game.


The amount of attack/defense a single piece contributes to the Combat Strength of their side in a battle.

The Strength of the Bosses is calcluated from the number of Action/Reaction Cards it still has in play.


The of number of Move Steps the piece may move in an Action.


This is the number of pieces of the NPC that represent a 'Full Stack'. Some Positions may allow for a larger stack, for instance, the Cavern Center allows a double stack, which means twice the Stack

Any Special Attacks or Defenses.

The abilities will be detailed as they are encountered in the Tutorial itself.

Much more on this later!

Special Abilities

Any Special Attacks or Defenses.

The abilities will be detailed as they are encountered in the Tutorial itself.


Player Units

There are two types of Player Pieces, the basic Player Unit, and the Commander.


There are three types of NPC, each has a Statistics Card. Monsters, Bosses and Minions.


These have no Boss. The Statistics Cards below are Monsters you will encounter in the Run, Run, Run Scenario.

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Action Reaction Cards

Each Boss has a set of Action Reaction Cards.

In this Scenario each only has three. They are not secret but they are turned from a shuffled deck, one for each boss.

Take a moment to click through each of the five Bosses.

One of these Cards is flipped from a shuffled deck when it is the Bosses turn to take an Action.

If the Players Attack the Boss, the top card is flipped and the Bosses Reaction is executed.

If all the Bosses Cards have been played, the deck is reshuffled and placed face-down and the Action/Reaction Cards are reused.

The number of cards the Boss has in play determines its Combat Strength. When Players do enough damage to the Boss, it will lose one or more Cards.

The Boss is defeated when all of its Action Reaction Cards are gone.


Bosses & Minions

These NPCs are the most powerful and usually are found surrounded by Minions. In the Card Area, the number of total cards play is indicated with small green or yellow circles on the Action/Reaction Back.

Green indicates, so far, unplayed cards.


Minions - These are spawned by the Bosses but usually have their own agendas. Their Statistics Cards have the same format as the Monsters. The Minion Statistics Card is shown next to the Boss Statistics Card.

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Event and Cavern Cards
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Event Cards

Event Cards add a degree of randomness. At the start of each Turn flip one and apply the text.

There are Several types. Click through the list to see a sample.


Cavern Cards

The Caverns form the basis of your Playing Board. Threre are Four basic Types:

Wild Caverns - These have yet to fall to the Will of the Dwarves. Combat and Resource production are harder here.

Hewn Caverns - These are well worked and funtion areas within the Dwarven Kingdoms. There is more room, as a result Combat and resource production are more accomodated. They can have their defenses upgraded to Headquarter Level.

Carddons - These are the highest form of Dwarven building might. They can have their defenses upgraded to Fortress Level. Resource production is even easier.

Elemental Caverns - Combat? Defense? Resource Production? Nevermind that, just stay alive! There are no Elemental Caverns in the Run, Run, Run, Scenario.

The first 5 are shown below in the Cavern Deck.

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Event and Cavern Cards
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Event Cards

Event Cards add a degree of randomness. At the start of each Turn flip one and apply the text.

There are Several types. Click through the list to see more samples.


Cavern Cards

The Caverns form the basis of your Playing Board. Threre are Four basic Types:

Wild Caverns - These have yet to fall to the Will of the Dwarves. Combat and Resource production are harder here.

Hewn Caverns - These are well worked and funtion areas within the Dwarven Kingdoms. There is more room, as a result Combat and resource production are more accomodated. They can have their defenses upgraded to Headquarter Level.

Carddons - These are the highest form of Dwarven building might. They can have their defenses upgraded to Fortress Level. Resource production is even easier.

Elemental Caverns - Combat? Defense? Resource Production? Nevermind that, just stay alive! There are no Elemental Caverns in the Run, Run, Run, Scenario.

The other 5 are shown below in the Cavern Deck.

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Player Base I - Units
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Place Yellow Units On Unit Camps

Place 3 Yellow Units on Unit Camp (UC-1).

Place 3 Yellow Units on Unit Camp (UC-3).

Place 3 Yellow Commanders on Unit Camp (UC-2).

Siege Engines

The Yellow Commanders all start with a Siege Engine.

Place Siege Engine on Yellow Commander (YC-1)

Place Siege Engine on Yellow Commander (YC-2)

Place Siege Engine on Yellow Commander (YC-3)

Cavern Units Description Player Base I

Current Stack Sizes

UC-3 Yellow Units 3 of 3

UC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 3

UC-2 Yellow Units 3 of 3

Player Base I is your starting Cavern. All of your Units begin the game here.

In this scenario, your Dwarven Units are Hard Packing. This means they are not carrying their full array of digging and planting tools. As a result, more can fit on a Unit Camp. As well, they can only Tunnel if they use Spells.

Because of this, the Stacking Limit per Unit Camp is 4.

As well, they carry all the battle rations they need and will not perform planting of Fungus Farms, you may ignore all rules concerning the count of Units you may have in play for this Scenario.

Unit Camps

The Unit Camps are where Player Units and most Monsters begin each turn.

As the turn continues, these Units will commit to different actions and move off of the Unit Camps as they do so.

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Mine Positions

Each Mine Position on the Board starts with 3 Mine Shafts.

When a Mine Position has a Mine Shaft on it, it will produce Gems the next time a Unit performs a Mine Action on the Position.

The number of Gems produced will depend on the number of Mine Shafts on the Position, helped along by a bit of luck.

Place Mine Shafts

Place 3 Mine Shafts on Mine Position (MINE-1).

Gem Storage Positions

Place 6 Blue Gems on Gem Storage Position (GEMS-1).

Place 4 Green Gems on Gem Storage Position (GEMS-2).

Place 2 Red Gems on Gem Storage Position (GEMS-3).

Place 2 Yellow Gems on Gem Storage Position (GEMS-3).

Cavern Gems Description Player Base I

Current Stack Sizes

UC-3 Yellow Units 3 of 3

UC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 3

UC-2 Yellow Units 3 of 3

Gem Storage Positions

These three positions are where Gems ready for use are stored. Gems are distributed to to the various Units in the field by a Cloud of Bats controlled by the Dwarves. As a result at least one Unit must remain in the Player Base I.

All Gems mined by the Dwarven Units are placed here. Each has a capacity of 10 Gems of any type.

You start the Game with some Gems. These are used to cast spells.

There are 4 types of Gems:

Blue Gems - The most common, when mining you will always at least find these.

Red Gems - Useful for boosting the power of some spells.

Yellow Gems - Useful for boosting the power of some spells. Also required for very powerful spells.

Green Gems - The rarest of the Gems which allow some spells to be really special.

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Place the following Pieces:

Place Spider Nest on Unit Camp (UC-1).

Place 4 Spiders on Unit Camp (UC-1).

Place 4 Spiders on Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-2).

Mine Position

Place 3 Mine Shafts on Mine Position (MINE-1).

Cavern Gems Description Sewers

Well its gotta go somewhere!

The Sewers are the remanence of a once great Dwarven Empire. The Bosses find it to their distaste as it still stinks too much of the Dwarves.

In Run, Run, Run is occupied only with Spiders.


Click on the Spider Statistics Card below.

Spiders cast a Web on Player Units. They are stuck in place until removed.

Spider Nest

The Spider Nest will relentlessly produce Spiders until it is destroyed.

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Place the following Pieces:

Place Psionic Toad on Unit Camp (UC-1).

Cavern Gems Description Toad Hall

"The Humble Toad’s damp abode.

Only Mushrooms can be grown here. The Psionic Toad is in residence!

Psionic Toad

The Psionic Toad revisits Toad Hall and has long time been a friend of the Dwarves. Seek his help, but if you let him die be prepared for the Psychic Hurricane that will follow. In this Scenario he has three cards (I,II,III).

Astral Searchers

Minions of Nothing.

They appear when the Psionic Toad dies.

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Remove Card: Player --> Yellow Unit

Place the following Pieces:

Place Alter of Light and Darkness on Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-2).

Place 6 Ball Lightnings on Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-2).

Place 3 Mine Shafts on Mine Position (MINE-1).

Place 3 Mine Shafts on Mine Position (MINE-2).

Place 3 Zombies on Cavern Center (CC-2).

Place 3 Zombies on Vertical Tunnel Position (VT-1).

Place 3 Zombies on Unit Camp (UC-1).

Place 3 Zombies on Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-1).

Place Blockade on Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-2).

Cavern Gems Description Wanderings

"The lost shall wander no more.

A Tomb for the Lost Souls.


The Ball Lightning travels as a Stack. When it lands on a Position, each Ball in the Stack does 4 Points of Damage to every Unit (Player and NPC) on the Stack.

The Ball Lightning Stack is reduced by 1 Piece. And it keeps moving to its Movement Limit, Zapping everything in its way.


Zombies do what Zombies do. The have the Swarm ability which means Zombies attack as a group. So the entire Stack will seek the largest Player Stack in their Cavern and move on top of it.

Once a Player Unit is Swarmed, the Units may not move until they kill the Swarming Zombies. It takes a stack of Zombies of the same total Battle Strength as the Unit they Swarm to Freeze the Unit.

So a standard Player Unit (strength 4) will be Frozen by 2 Zombie Units (strength 2 each).

A Yellow Commander, which has a Strength of 6, will be Frozen by 3 Zombie Units.

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Place the following Pieces:

Place Lesser Demon on Unit Camp (UC-1).

Place 2 Sprogs on Cavern Center (CC-1).

Place Sprog on Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-1).

Place 3 Mine Shafts on Mine Position (MINE-1).

Cavern Gems Description Lucius' Lair

"A demon howls with breath so fowl."

His Sprogs, oh his Sprogs...

Beware or be dead.

Lesser Demon

In this Scenario he has Action/Reaction Cards (I,II,III).

The Lesser Demon likes to place Blockades in the Player's Path.


Minions of the Lesser Demon. They have First Strike, which can kill a Unit before it get's a chance to fight.'

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Place the following Pieces:

Place Swamp Thing on Unit Camp (UC-1).

Place Poison Frog on Cavern Center (CC-2).

Place Poison Frog on Vertical Tunnel Position (VT-1).

Place Poison Frog on Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-1).

Cavern Gems Description Fungtown

"Plant a merry shroom, ‘twill never bloom.

Swamp Thing

In this Scenario it has three Action/Reaction Cards (I,II,III).

Poison Frogs

Minions of the Swamp Thing.

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Place the following Pieces:

Place Dragonling on Unit Camp (UC-1).

Place 3 Fire Fiends on Unit Camp (UC-1).

Place 3 Mine Shafts on Mine Position (MINE-1).

Cavern Gems Description Cave of the Wormy

The worm sleeps, Rock weeps.

An Altar to Old Wyrm!

Fire Fiends may follow her recalcitrant teenager!


In this Scenario she has three Action/Reaction Cards (I,II,III).

Fire Fiends

These Minions of the Dragonling take a deep joy in destroying Dwarven Mine Shafts. When they enter a Cavern with any Mine Shafts in it, they will move to the Mine Position with the most Mine Shafts on it and destroy one.

They will engage any Player Units on the Position in an Isolated Combat.

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Place the following Pieces:

Place Hornet's Nest on Cavern Center (CC-2).

Place 4 Hornets on Cavern Center (CC-1).

Place 4 Hornets on Cavern Center (CC-2).

Place 3 Mine Shafts on Mine Position (MINE-1).

Place 3 Mine Shafts on Mine Position (MINE-2).

Place 3 Mine Shafts on Mine Position (MINE-3).

Place 3 Mine Shafts on Mine Position (MINE-4).

Cavern Gems Description Hidden Mines

"The granite cradles the stars.


Hornets have both the Swarm and the Fly abilities. Which means, when the land on a Position with Player Units on it, they will Swarm the Stack to the maximum on the Position.

They Also have Combat, which allows them to ignore Stacking Limits when the move. So in the case of the Hornet, the Stacking Limit is really the total that can engage in Combat on the Position.

They will only engage in Combat with the Units on the Position they occupy.

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Place the following Pieces:

Place Lesser Devil on Unit Camp (UC-1).

Place 3 Imps on Unit Camp (UC-2).

Place 3 Mine Shafts on Mine Position (MINE-1).

Cavern Gems Description Player Base II

"Rock is the base, so our Base is Rock.

Lesser Devil

The most powerful Boss in the Game. But in Run, Run, Run, he is not all together here.

In this Scenario he has three Action/Reaction Cards (I,II,III).


Minions of the Lesser Devil

They have First Strike (strength 4)

Theey are immune to Lightning like the The Lesser Devil from whom they spawn.

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Place the following Pieces:

Place Cubic Boob on Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-1).

Cavern Gems Description Empty Cavern I

Keep Digging, I guess!

These Caverns can have up to 3 Tunnels ending on the Tunnel End Position.

Cubic Boobs

Cubic Boobs slop slowly towards the Nearest Player Base. They consume everything consume everything in their path except for Bosses.

They awaken if you enter their Cavern, or if you pass over a Tunnel End connected to it.

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Place the following Pieces:

Place Cubic Boob on Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-1).

Cavern Gems Description Empty Cavern II

Keep Digging, I guess!

These Caverns can have up to 3 Tunnels ending on the Tunnel End Position.

Cubic Boobs

Cubic Boobs slop slowly towards the Nearest Player Base. They consume everything consume everything in their path except for Bosses.

They awaken if you enter their Cavern, or if you pass over a Tunnel End connected to it.

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Place the following Pieces:

Place Cubic Boob on Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-1).

Cavern Gems Description Empty Cavern III

Keep Digging, I guess!

These Caverns can have up to 3 Tunnels ending on the Tunnel End Position.

Cubic Boobs

Cubic Boobs slop slowly towards the Nearest Player Base. They consume everything consume everything in their path except for Bosses.

They awaken if you enter their Cavern, or if you pass over a Tunnel End connected to it.

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