Initial Board Setup
Game Not Started

Yellow Player deploys his initial Units in Player Base I

Green Player deploys his initial Units in Player Base II

Combat Calculations: Player Base II

Current Stack Sizes

UC-2 Green Units 2 of 2

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Raising Units
Turn: 1 Preparation

There is no Event Phase in this Scenario, or Cavern Entry Cards.

In this Phase, the Players Raise Units.

Combat Calculations: Player Base II

Current Stack Sizes

UC-2 Green Units 2 of 2

Yellow Player Raise Units

Yellow Player Base is clear of enemies

        --> +2 Units

Yellow Player Has 2 Units in play.

Yellow Player can have 2 Units in play.

Yellow Player has NO CHANGE to Units.

Green Player Raise Units

Green Player Base is clear of enemies

        --> +2 Units

Green Player Has 2 Units in play.

Green Player can have 2 Units in play.

Green Player has NO CHANGE to Units.

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The Commit Phase
Turn: 1 Round 1

Yellow Player goes first.

The Yellow Commander Plants a Fungus Farm.

1: Move Yellow Commander (YC-1) to Fungus Farm (FUNG-1).

Place Fungus Farm on Fungus Farm (FUNG-1).

The Green Commander also Plants a Fungus Farm.

2: Move Green Commander (GC-1) to Fungus Farm (FUNG-1).

Place Fungus Farm on Fungus Farm (FUNG-1).

Combat Calculations: Player Base II

Current Stack Sizes

UC-2 Green Units 1 of 2

FUNG-1 Green Units 1 of 2

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Turn: 1 Round 2

Yellow Units starts a Tunnel to Sewers.

1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-1) to Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-2).

Start Tunnel PBI.HT-2_SEWR.HT-2

Green Player Commander starts a Tunnel to up to the undiscovered Cavern above his Player Base.

2: Move Green Unit (GU-1) to Vertical Tunnel Position (VT-1).

Start Tunnel PBII.VT-1_HELL.VT-1

Combat Calculations: Player Base II

Current Stack Sizes

VT-1 Green Units 1 of 2

FUNG-1 Green Units 1 of 2

Battle Strength

Green Player Strength = 0.0

4.0 = Player on Player Base II.Vertical Tunnel(x1.0):


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Turn 1 - De-Commit Phase
Turn: 1 Decommit
Combat Calculations: Player Base II

Current Stack Sizes

UC-2 Green Units 2 of 2

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Turn 2 - Preparation Phase
Turn: 1 Preparation

Place Green Unit on Unit Camp (UC-1).

Place Yellow Unit on Unit Camp (UC-1).

Combat Calculations: Player Base I

Current Stack Sizes

UC-1 Yellow Units 1 of 2

UC-2 Yellow Units 2 of 2

Yellow Player Raise Units

Yellow Player Base is clear of enemies

        --> +2 Units

Yellow Player Cavern Player Base I has 1 Fungus Farms

        --> +1 Units

Yellow Player Has 2 Units in play.

Yellow Player can have 3 Units in play.

Yellow Player can ADD 1 Unit(s) to play.

Green Player Raise Units

Green Player Base is clear of enemies

        --> +2 Units

Green Player Cavern Player Base II has 1 Fungus Farms

        --> +1 Units

Green Player Has 2 Units in play.

Green Player can have 3 Units in play.

Green Player can ADD 1 Unit(s) to play.

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Green Finishes Tunnel
Turn: 2 Round 1

Yellow had the initiative last turn, so now Green goes first.

Finish Tunnel PBII.VT-1_HELL.VT-1

1: Move Green Unit (GU-1) to Vertical Tunnel Position (VT-1).

Combat Calculations: Hell's Mouth

Current Stack Sizes

VT-1 Green Units 1 of 2

Battle Strength

Green Player Strength = 0.0

4.0 = Player on Hell's Mouth.Vertical Tunnel(x1.0):


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Yellow Finishes Tunnel
Turn: 2 Round 1

1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-1) to Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-2).

Finish Tunnel PBI.HT-2_SEWR.HT-2

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

HT-2 Yellow Units 1 of 2

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 4.0

4.0 = Player on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):


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Green Player Starts Mine
Turn: 2 Round 2

1: Move Green Commander (GC-1) to Mine Position (MINE-1).

Place Mine Shaft on Mine Position (MINE-1).

Combat Calculations: Player Base II

Current Stack Sizes

UC-1 Green Units 1 of 2

MINE-1 Green Units 1 of 2

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Yellow Player Starts Mine
Turn: 2 Round 2

1: Move Yellow Commander (YC-1) to Mine Position (MINE-1).

Place Mine Shaft on Mine Position (MINE-1).

Combat Calculations: Player Base I

Current Stack Sizes

UC-1 Yellow Units 1 of 2

MINE-1 Yellow Units 1 of 2

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Green Tunnels to Wanderings
Turn: 2 Round 3

1: Move Green Unit (GU-2) to Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-1).

Start Tunnel PBII.HT-1_WAND.HT-1

Combat Calculations: Player Base II

Current Stack Sizes

HT-1 Green Units 1 of 2

MINE-1 Green Units 1 of 2

Battle Strength

Green Player Strength = 0.0

4.0 = Player on Player Base II.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):


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Yellow Tunnels Up
Turn: 2 Round 3

1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-2) to Vertical Tunnel Position (VT-1).

Start Tunnel PBI.VT-1_MEET.VT-1

Combat Calculations: Player Base I

Current Stack Sizes

MINE-1 Yellow Units 1 of 2

VT-1 Yellow Units 1 of 2

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 4.0

4.0 = Player on Player Base I.Vertical Tunnel(x1.0):


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Decommit Yellow
Turn: 2 Decommit
Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

UC-1 Yellow Units 1 of 2

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Decommit Green
Turn: 2 Decommit
Combat Calculations: Hell's Mouth

Current Stack Sizes

UC-1 Green Units 1 of 2

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Turn 3
Turn: 3 Preparation

Initiative: Green Player.

Combat Calculations: Hell's Mouth

Current Stack Sizes

UC-1 Green Units 1 of 2

Yellow Player Raise Units

Yellow Player Base is clear of enemies

        --> +2 Units

Yellow Player Cavern Player Base I has 1 Fungus Farms

        --> +1 Units

Yellow Player Has 3 Units in play.

Yellow Player can have 3 Units in play.

Yellow Player has NO CHANGE to Units.

Green Player Raise Units

Green Player Base is clear of enemies

        --> +2 Units

Green Player Cavern Player Base II has 1 Fungus Farms

        --> +1 Units

Green Player Has 3 Units in play.

Green Player can have 3 Units in play.

Green Player has NO CHANGE to Units.

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Green Player Farms!
Turn: 3 Round 1

1: Move Green Unit (GU-1) to Fungus Farm (FUNG-1).

Place Fungus Farm on Fungus Farm (FUNG-1).

Combat Calculations: Hell's Mouth

Current Stack Sizes

FUNG-1 Green Units 1 of 2

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Yellow Player Tunnels Up
Turn: 3 Round 1

1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-2) to Vertical Tunnel Position (VT-1).

Finish Tunnel PBI.VT-1_MEET.VT-1

Combat Calculations: Meeting of the Ways

Current Stack Sizes

VT-1 Yellow Units 1 of 2

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 4.0

4.0 = Player on Meeting of the Ways.Vertical Tunnel(x1.0):


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Green Player Finishes Tunnel
Turn: 3 Round 2

1: Move Green Unit (GU-2) to Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-1).

Finish Tunnel PBII.HT-1_WAND.HT-1

Combat Calculations: Wanderings

Current Stack Sizes

HT-1 Green Units 1 of 2

Battle Strength

Green Player Strength = 0.0

4.0 = Player on Wanderings.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):


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Yellow Player Farms and Hastes self!
Turn: 3 Round 2

1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-1) to Fungus Farm (FUNG-1).

Place Fungus Farm on Fungus Farm (FUNG-1).

Yellow Unit Casts Haste Spell

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

FUNG-1 Yellow Units 1 of 2

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Yellow Player Farms x2!
Turn: 3 Round 2

The effect of Haste here is to Decommit the Unit.

1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-1) to Unit Camp (UC-1).

Gem used.

3: Blue Gem (B_GEM-1) Used

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

UC-1 Yellow Units 1 of 2

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Green Player Digs Another MineShaft
Turn: 3 Round 3

1: Move Green Commander (GC-1) to Mine Position (MINE-1).

Place Mine Shaft on Mine Position (MINE-1).

Combat Calculations: Player Base II

Current Stack Sizes

MINE-1 Green Units 1 of 2

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Yellow Player Farms Again
Turn: 3 Round 3

1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-1) to Fungus Farm (FUNG-2).

Place Fungus Farm on Fungus Farm (FUNG-2).

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

FUNG-2 Yellow Units 1 of 2

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Yellow Player Digs Another MineShaft
Turn: 3 Round 4

1: Move Yellow Commander (YC-1) to Mine Position (MINE-1).

Place Mine Shaft on Mine Position (MINE-1).

Combat Calculations: Player Base I

Current Stack Sizes

MINE-1 Yellow Units 1 of 2

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Turn 3 Decommit
Turn: 3 Round 4
Combat Calculations: Meeting of the Ways

Current Stack Sizes

UC-1 Yellow Units 1 of 2

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Turn 4
Turn: 4 Preparation

Initiative: Yellow Player.

Combat Calculations: Player Base I

Current Stack Sizes

UC-2 Yellow Units 1 of 2

Yellow Player Raise Units

Yellow Player Base is clear of enemies

        --> +2 Units

Yellow Player Cavern Player Base I has 1 Fungus Farms

        --> +1 Units

Yellow Player Cavern Sewers has 2 Fungus Farms

        --> +2 Units

Yellow Player Has 3 Units in play.

Yellow Player can have 5 Units in play.

Yellow Player can ADD 2 Unit(s) to play.

Green Player Raise Units

Green Player Base is clear of enemies

        --> +2 Units

Green Player Cavern Player Base II has 1 Fungus Farms

        --> +1 Units

Green Player Cavern Hell's Mouth has 1 Fungus Farms

        --> +1 Units

Green Player Has 3 Units in play.

Green Player can have 4 Units in play.

Green Player can ADD 1 Unit(s) to play.

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