Start of Turn 2.
Current Stack Sizes
CC-1 Spiders 1 of No Limit
CC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 6
Battle Strength
Yellow Player Strength = 16.0
16.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):
YU-4(2-Web), YC-1(3-Web), YC-2(3-Web)
NPC Strength = 8.0
8.0 = Monster on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):
Current Battle Resolution
Battle would be a Victory.
Player would take 2 Damage
NPCs would take 6 Damage
Event Card - Dark Wave IV
The 4 Zombies Swarm the Player Unit Stack.
The target of this card is Cavern. So select from any discovered cavern.
Nothing happens in this Phase.
The Game Engine goes first.
The 1 remaining Spider is already committed. Because it has Spread, it will always stay on a Player Unit.
The 4 Zombies are already attacking the Player Unit Stack in Player Base I.
So the Game Engine has nothing to do.
Three Units use their Actions to Remove Gems.
The Player now makes all his moves.
1: Yellow Commander (YC-2) Clears Web
Round 2
Yellow Commander (YC-1) Clears Web
Round 3
Yellow Unit (YU-4) Clears Web
The Battle Result is good enough to kill the Spider and not lose any Units. So the Units in Sewers will do nothing.
The Battle can be resolved immediately and the Spider is killed.
2: Spider (SPIDER-1) Dies
Current Stack Sizes
CC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 6
Battle Strength
Yellow Player Strength = 32.0
32.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):
YU-4(4), YC-1(6), YC-2(6)
NPC Strength = 8.0
8.0 = Monster on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):
Current Battle Resolution
Battle would be a Route.
Player would take 0 Damage
NPCs would take 8 Damage
Round 4
The last Player Unit moves to the Cavern Center and so starts a Battle.
1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-1) to Cavern Center (CC-2).
The Zombies will always follow Player Units to the Cavern Center
2: Move Zombie (ZOMBIE-13) to Cavern Center (CC-2).
All Zombies on a single Position move together
3: Move Zombie (ZOMBIE-14) to Cavern Center (CC-2).
4: Move Zombie (ZOMBIE-15) to Cavern Center (CC-2).
5: Move Zombie (ZOMBIE-16) to Cavern Center (CC-2).
Current Stack Sizes
UC-1 Yellow Units 2 of 3
CC-1 Yellow Units 1 of 27
CC-1 Zombies 4 of 54
Battle Strength
Yellow Player Strength = 8.0
8.0 = Player on Player Base I.Cavern Center(x2.0):
NPC Strength = 16.0
16.0 = Monster on Player Base I.Cavern Center(x2.0):
ZOMBIE-13(2), ZOMBIE-14(2), ZOMBIE-15(2), ZOMBIE-16(2)
Current Battle Resolution
Battle would be a Victory.
NPCs would take 2 Damage
Player would take 6 Damage
Fighting Zombies
The Zombies are already on the Unit Camp Position on the Player Units. They have the Swarm ability which Freezes their total Strength of Player Units.
4 Zombies have a Strength of 2, so they Freeze 8 Points or 2 Player Units.
Player Units can not be partially frozen.
Round 5
The remaining uncommitted Player Units are no longer Frozen, and join the Battle.
1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-2) to Cavern Center (CC-2).
Round 6
The 2x Bonus gives the Player Units a greater advantage by improving the difference.
2: Move Yellow Unit (YU-3) to Cavern Center (CC-2).
The Player casts a First Strike against one of the Zombies from any of his Pieces.
3: Blue Gem (B_GEM-6) Used
Zombie (ZOMBIE-13) Dies
All of the Zombies will now be killed with the 6 points of damage. So the Actions End and the Player Base Battle is Resolved.
Zombie (ZOMBIE-14) Dies
Zombie (ZOMBIE-15) Dies
4: Zombie (ZOMBIE-16) Dies
The Player Units take 2 points of damage, which is not enough to kill one.
Current Stack Sizes
CC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 27
Battle Strength
Yellow Player Strength = 24.0
24.0 = Player on Player Base I.Cavern Center(x2.0):
YU-1(4), YU-2(4), YU-3(4)
NPC Strength = 16.0
16.0 = Monster on Player Base I.Cavern Center(x2.0):
ZOMBIE-13(2), ZOMBIE-14(2), ZOMBIE-15(2), ZOMBIE-16(2)
Current Battle Resolution
Battle would be a Victory.
Player would take 2 Damage
NPCs would take 6 Damage
Fighting Zombies
The Zombies are already on the Unit Camp Position on the Player Units. They have the Swarm ability which Freezes their total Strength of Player Units.
4 Zombies have a Strength of 2, so they Freeze 8 Points or 2 Player Units.
Player Units can not be partially frozen.
This is one of the Psionic Toad's Action/Reaction Cards. Click below to see all three.
The Psionic Toad
The Psionic Toad is an Ally of the dwarves, and the Player has some control over what it does. It can be used during any Action and may be used first, even before the Game Engine takes an action.
In this case, the Player decides now is the time.
The strength of a Boss is measured in how many cards they have in Play (both face down and face up). The number of dots on the back of the Boss card has a circle for each still in Play. If the circle is Green, the card has yet to be played. Once the last Card has been flipped, the deck is reshuffled and placed face down.
Important Card Sections
Card Strength
Shows the number of points of Damage required to take the card of of play. Damage is done to the unplayed cards first.
Action Text
When the Boss's Turn comes up, a new card is flipped and the Actions described here are executed.
Reaction Text
When the Boss takes damage, flip the next card an apply the Reactions described here.
OK, The Cavern Wanderings is a pretty nasty place. And there is no way past it.
These can be dealt with, but there are 12 of them, still a lot of fighting.
The real problem is the Ball Lightnings. Once they activate they will move down toward the Player Base zapping eveything in their path.
The first Player interference in the Cavern will awaken them.
The Altar of Light and Darkness
To make matters worse, they are sitting on an Altar of Light and Darkness. As long as it is there, every Ball Lightning destroyed will reappear and attack again.
So that thing will have to go.
Current Stack Sizes
HT-2 Ball Lightnings 6 of No Limit
HT-1 Zombies 3 of 6
UC-1 Zombies 3 of 6
VT-1 Zombies 3 of 6
CC-1 Zombies 3 of 12
Battle Strength
NPC Strength = 48.0
12.0 = Monster on Wanderings.Cavern Center(x2.0):
ZOMBIE-7(2), ZOMBIE-8(2), ZOMBIE-9(2)
30.0 = Monster on Wanderings.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):
ZOMBIE-4(2), ZOMBIE-5(2), ZOMBIE-6(2), BL-1(4), BL-2(4), BL-3(4), BL-4(4), BL-5(4), BL-6(4)
6.0 = Monster on Wanderings.Vertical Tunnel(x1.0):
ZOMBIE-10(2), ZOMBIE-11(2), ZOMBIE-12(2)
Round 7
The Psionic Toad Builds an Altar.
This is done instead of flipping an Action Reaction Card.
The Player decides to leave the Psionic Toad in the Cavern for now.
This counts as a Player Action.
Altars speed the healing of Bosses. And the Psionic Toad will take damage. And soon.
1: Move Psionic Toad to Cavern Center (CC-2).
2: Place Altar on Cavern Center (CC-2).
Current Stack Sizes
UC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 3
Battle Strength
Yellow Player Strength = 32.0
NPC Strength = 1.5
1.5 = Monster on LULA.Horizontal Tunnel(x0.5):
Current Battle Resolution
Battle would be a Route.
Player would take 0 Damage
NPCs would take 8 Damage
Round 8
No NPC is active, so its the Players turn.
As soon as the Player interferes with Wanderings the Ball Lightnings will activate.
The Zombies will also attack, but more slowly.
Current Stack Sizes
HT-2 Ball Lightnings 6 of No Limit
HT-1 Zombies 3 of 6
UC-1 Zombies 3 of 6
VT-1 Zombies 3 of 6
CC-1 Zombies 3 of 12
Battle Strength
NPC Strength = 48.0
12.0 = Monster on Wanderings.Cavern Center(x2.0):
ZOMBIE-7(2), ZOMBIE-8(2), ZOMBIE-9(2)
30.0 = Monster on Wanderings.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):
ZOMBIE-4(2), ZOMBIE-5(2), ZOMBIE-6(2), BL-1(4), BL-2(4), BL-3(4), BL-4(4), BL-5(4), BL-6(4)
6.0 = Monster on Wanderings.Vertical Tunnel(x1.0):
ZOMBIE-10(2), ZOMBIE-11(2), ZOMBIE-12(2)
Piece Shift
Since no NPCs are active, the Player may shift around his pieces to suit his next assault.
In Sewers
1: Move Yellow Units to Unit Camp (UC-1).
2: Move Yellow Unit (YU-5) to Unit Camp (UC-1).
3: Move Yellow Unit (YU-6) to Unit Camp (UC-1).
He may also instruct the Psionic Toad to build a second Altar.
4: Place Altar on Cavern Center (CC-1).
In Toad Hall
5: Move Yellow Commander (YC-1) to Unit Camp (UC-1).
6: Move Yellow Commander (YC-2) to Unit Camp (UC-1).
7: Move Yellow Unit (YU-1) to Unit Camp (UC-1).
8: Move Yellow Unit (YU-2) to Unit Camp (UC-1).
9: Move Yellow Unit (YU-3) to Unit Camp (UC-1).
Remove Gem from Yellow Unit (YU-1)
Current Stack Sizes
UC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 3
He may also Mine all available Gems.
He Boosts a Good Luck Spell with 2 Blue Gems and 1 Green Gem for full bonus.
Blue Gem (B_GEM-4) Used
Blue Gem (B_GEM-5) Used
Green Gem (G_GEM-1) Used
Remove Mine Shafts
Mine Shaft (MINESHAFT-1) Removed
Mine Shaft (MINESHAFT-2) Removed
Mine Shaft (MINESHAFT-3) Removed
Current Stack Sizes
UC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 3
He chooses extra Blue Gems instead of a roll bonus.
Roll the Dice
For each Mine Shaft use the Gem Discovery Chart to determine the types of Gems discovered.
The Dice Roll = 10
Mine Shaft 1 Produces-> Red Gem
Mine Shaft 2 Produces -> Yellow Gem
Mine Shaft 3 Produces -> Green Gem
Full Bonus for Good Luck Spell -> 5 per Mine Shaft Totalling 15
Place 5 Blue Gems on Gem Storage Position (GEMS-1).
Place 5 Blue Gems on Gem Storage Position (GEMS-2).
Place 5 Blue Gems on Gem Storage Position (GEMS-3).
Place Yellow Gem on Gem Storage Position (GEMS-2).
Place Red Gem on Gem Storage Position (GEMS-3).
Place Green Gem on Gem Storage Position (GEMS-3).
Current Stack Sizes
UC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 3
The Yellow Commanders have a Strength of 6 so are effectively immune to the Ball Lightnings.
Current Stack Sizes
UC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 3
Battle Strength
Yellow Player Strength = 40.0
NPC Strength = 1.5
1.5 = Monster on LULA.Horizontal Tunnel(x0.5):
Current Battle Resolution
Battle would be a Route.
Player would take 0 Damage
NPCs would take 8 Damage