Initial Board
Game Not Started

Step by Step Tutorial

This is the initial setup of the Caverns for the Scenario Run, Run, Run of the Dwarf War Solo/Coop Game System.

Before play through this Tutorial, you should follow the Setup Guide, placing the Pieces as described.

After Turn 3 you should finally read the rules!

Note that this is not in anyway a strategy guide, moves will be shown here that are not the optimal solutions to problems, but instead are presented simply to demonstrate how the game is played.

There are no Cavern Entry Cards in this Scenario.

Combat Calculations: Player Base I

This pane has the Combat Calculations. There are three sections.

Current Stack Sizes

The Current Stack Sizes shows the current number of units, both Player and NPC, stacked on the various positions, out of the maximum allowed for each. If the maximum is 0, there is no Stacking Limit fro that type of piece. In this Scenario the Dwarves are Hard Packing, which means they do not have their normal complement of minning and farming equipment. As a result, intead of a normal Stacking Limit of 2, they can have up to 3 Units in a full Position Stack.

Battle Strength

The Battle Strength calculations show the current strength the opposing sides are bringing to the Combat in the Current Cavern only.

Current Battle Resolution

Battles are resolved only after both sides have committed actions that do not affected the outcome, or all pieces have been committed. This section is only shown if there is a battle.

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Turn 1 - Event Card Phase
Turn: 1 Event Card

Start of the turn.

Turn Event Card Astral Purge.

Astral Purge may be useful later, but has no immediate effect.

Combat Calculations: Player Base I

Current Stack Sizes

UC-3 Yellow Units 3 of 3

UC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 3

UC-2 Yellow Units 3 of 3

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Turn 1 - Preparation Phase
Turn: 1 Preparation

This Phase is when new Units are Raised.

In this Scenario, the Player does not Raise Units.

But some other things happen in this Phase later.

Combat Calculations: Player Base I

Current Stack Sizes

UC-3 Yellow Units 3 of 3

UC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 3

UC-2 Yellow Units 3 of 3

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Turn 1 - Commit Phase
Turn: 1 Round 1

Commit Phase.

During the Commit Phase, the Game Engine and the Player take turns Committing their Pieces to different Actions.

The Bulk of the Game Play is in the Commit Phase.

The Game Engine goes first, but none of the NPCs are active.

End of the Game Engine's portion of the Round.

Combat Calculations: Player Base I

Current Stack Sizes

UC-3 Yellow Units 3 of 3

UC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 3

UC-2 Yellow Units 3 of 3

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Player Attacks Sewers
Turn: 1 Round 1

Player Move Action.

The Player takes his turn.

1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-1) to Cavern Center (CC-1).

This requires 3 of the 5 Move Steps allowed for Player Units.

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

HT-2 Spiders 4 of No Limit

UC-1 Spiders 4 of No Limit

CC-1 Yellow Units 1 of 6

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 8.0

8.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):


NPC Strength = 16.0

16.0 = Monster on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):

SPIDER-5(4), SPIDER-6(4), SPIDER-7(4), SPIDER-8(4)

Current Battle Resolution

Battle would be a Victory.

NPCs would take 2 Damage

Player would take 6 Damage

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Turn: 1 Round 1

NPC Instant Reactions.

Spider Spreads to Player Piece.

This does not count as an NPC Action.

One Spider will Web and attack each different Unit that enters the Cavern.

1: Move Spider (SPIDER-1) to Cavern Center (CC-1).

Spiders always Web the Player Piece they Spread to.

Webbed Units fight at half strength and may not Move until the web is removed, but may still use equipment or cast Spells.

2: Spider (SPIDER-1) Webs Yellow Unit (YU-1).

Monster skills are instants, applied immediately when relevant.

They are not a Game Turn Action.

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

HT-2 Spiders 4 of No Limit

UC-1 Spiders 3 of No Limit

CC-1 Spiders 1 of No Limit

CC-1 Yellow Units 1 of 6

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 4.0

4.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):


NPC Strength = 24.0

8.0 = Monster on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):


16.0 = Monster on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):

SPIDER-5(4), SPIDER-6(4), SPIDER-7(4), SPIDER-8(4)

Current Battle Resolution

Battle would be a Route.

NPCs would take 0 Damage

Player would take 8 Damage

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Player Casts Fireball Spell
Turn: 1 Round 1

If the Player has not cast a spell this Round, they may do so.

This may be done before or after the main Action taken in the Round.

Player casts a spell as the second part of his action.

1: Yellow Unit (YU-1) Fireballs Unit Camp (UC-1)

The Fireball Spell cost at least 1 Gem (they can be bigger).

Blue Gem (B_GEM-1) Used

This one will be boosted twice, so 8 more points of damage (2 more kills).

Blue Gem (B_GEM-2) Used

2: Blue Gem (B_GEM-3) Used

The Fireball does 12 Points of Damage.

Player decides which to target on the Position.

Spider (SPIDER-3) Dies

Spider (SPIDER-4) Dies

3: Spider (SpiderNest-1) Dies

End of the Player's portion of the Round.

End of the Round 1.

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

HT-2 Spiders 4 of No Limit

UC-1 Spiders 1 of No Limit

CC-1 Spiders 1 of No Limit

CC-1 Yellow Units 1 of 6

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 4.0

4.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):


NPC Strength = 24.0

8.0 = Monster on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):


16.0 = Monster on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):

SPIDER-5(4), SPIDER-6(4), SPIDER-7(4), SPIDER-8(4)

Current Battle Resolution

Battle would be a Route.

NPCs would take 0 Damage

Player would take 8 Damage

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Round 1 Finished
Turn: 1 Round 1
Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

HT-2 Spiders 4 of No Limit

UC-1 Spiders 1 of No Limit

CC-1 Spiders 1 of No Limit

CC-1 Yellow Units 1 of 6

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 4.0

4.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):


NPC Strength = 24.0

8.0 = Monster on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):


16.0 = Monster on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):

SPIDER-5(4), SPIDER-6(4), SPIDER-7(4), SPIDER-8(4)

Current Battle Resolution

Battle would be a Route.

NPCs would take 0 Damage

Player would take 8 Damage

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Game Counter Attack Sewers
Turn: 1 Round 2

The Game Engine starts Round 2.

This is NOT a Spread Ability, but the instead the Game Engines Action.

1: Move Spider (SPIDER-2) to Cavern Center (CC-1).

The Player takes his Round 2 Action.

The Player Commits a Commander to the Battle.

2: Move Yellow Commander (YC-1) to Cavern Center (CC-1).

An Uncommitted Spider uses Spread.

3: Move Spider (SPIDER-6) to Cavern Center (CC-1).

4: Spider (SPIDER-6) Webs Yellow Commander (YC-1).

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

HT-2 Spiders 3 of No Limit

CC-1 Spiders 3 of No Limit

CC-1 Yellow Units 2 of 6

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 10.0

10.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

YU-1(2-Web), YC-1(3-Web)

NPC Strength = 36.0

24.0 = Monster on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

SPIDER-1(4), SPIDER-2(4), SPIDER-6(4)

12.0 = Monster on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):

SPIDER-5(4), SPIDER-7(4), SPIDER-8(4)

Current Battle Resolution

Battle would be a Route.

NPCs would take 0 Damage

Player would take 8 Damage

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Turn: 1 Round 2

Siege Engines

Siege Engines can only be used against a different Position.

They do 6 Damage to a single target.

Yellow Commander Fires Bolt at Spider (SPIDER-4)

Spider (SPIDER-4) Dies

End of the Player's portion of the Round.

End of the Round 2.

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

HT-2 Spiders 3 of No Limit

CC-1 Spiders 3 of No Limit

CC-1 Yellow Units 2 of 6

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 10.0

10.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

YU-1(2-Web), YC-1(3-Web)

NPC Strength = 36.0

24.0 = Monster on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

SPIDER-1(4), SPIDER-2(4), SPIDER-6(4)

12.0 = Monster on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):

SPIDER-5(4), SPIDER-7(4), SPIDER-8(4)

Current Battle Resolution

Battle would be a Route.

NPCs would take 0 Damage

Player would take 8 Damage

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Round 2 Finished
Turn: 1 Round 2
Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

HT-2 Spiders 3 of No Limit

CC-1 Spiders 3 of No Limit

CC-1 Yellow Units 2 of 6

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 10.0

10.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

YU-1(2-Web), YC-1(3-Web)

NPC Strength = 36.0

24.0 = Monster on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

SPIDER-1(4), SPIDER-2(4), SPIDER-6(4)

12.0 = Monster on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):

SPIDER-5(4), SPIDER-7(4), SPIDER-8(4)

Current Battle Resolution

Battle would be a Route.

NPCs would take 0 Damage

Player would take 8 Damage

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Player Attack Sewers III
Turn: 1 Round 3

The Game Engine starts Round 3.

1: Move Spider (SPIDER-7) to Cavern Center (CC-1).

The Player takes his Round 3 Action.

2: Move Yellow Commander (YC-2) to Cavern Center (CC-2).

An Uncommitted Spider uses Spread.

3: Move Spider (SPIDER-8) to Cavern Center (CC-2).

4: Spider (SPIDER-8) Webs Yellow Commander (YC-2).

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

HT-2 Spiders 1 of No Limit

CC-1 Spiders 5 of No Limit

CC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 6

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 16.0

16.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

YU-1(2-Web), YC-1(3-Web), YC-2(3-Web)

NPC Strength = 44.0

40.0 = Monster on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

SPIDER-1(4), SPIDER-2(4), SPIDER-6(4), SPIDER-7(4), SPIDER-8(4)

4.0 = Monster on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):


Current Battle Resolution

Battle would be a Route.

NPCs would take 0 Damage

Player would take 8 Damage

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Fire Another Siege Engine
Turn: 1 Round 3

Using a Siege Engine is also an instant. They are used in addition to Spells and Actions.

1: Yellow Commander Fires Bolt at Spider (SPIDER-7)

2: Spider (SPIDER-7) Dies

The Player chooses not to cast a Spell. There are not an infinite number of Gems.

End of Round 3.

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

HT-2 Spiders 1 of No Limit

CC-1 Spiders 4 of No Limit

CC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 6

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 16.0

16.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

YU-1(2-Web), YC-1(3-Web), YC-2(3-Web)

NPC Strength = 44.0

40.0 = Monster on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

SPIDER-1(4), SPIDER-2(4), SPIDER-6(4), SPIDER-7(4), SPIDER-8(4)

4.0 = Monster on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):


Current Battle Resolution

Battle would be a Route.

NPCs would take 0 Damage

Player would take 8 Damage

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Battle for the Sewers continues
Turn: 1 Round 4

The Game Engine starts Round 4.

But all active NPCs have already been committed.

1: Move Yellow Commander (YC-3) to Cavern Center (CC-2).

2: Yellow Commander Fires Bolt at Spider (SPIDER-2)

3: Spider (SPIDER-2) Dies

End of Round 4.

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

HT-2 Spiders 1 of No Limit

CC-1 Spiders 3 of No Limit

CC-1 Yellow Units 4 of 6

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 28.0

28.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

YU-1(2-Web), YC-1(3-Web), YC-2(3-Web), YC-3(6)

NPC Strength = 36.0

32.0 = Monster on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

SPIDER-1(4), SPIDER-2(4), SPIDER-6(4), SPIDER-8(4)

4.0 = Monster on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):


Current Battle Resolution

Battle would be a Victory.

NPCs would take 2 Damage

Player would take 6 Damage

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Player Sends Unit to Sewers
Turn: 1 Round 5

Start of Round 5.

All active NPCs have already been committed. So the Player takes another turn.

Note that the Battle Result is tilting in the Dwarven Favour.

Underground, Dwarves make their own luck.

1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-2) to Cavern Center (CC-1).

These lulls where the Player gets to take a breath and do multiple moves in a row are often useful.

The build up to a Combat Resolution continues until neither side performs a Commit action that changes the outcome.

The Player will now bring as much support to the battle as he thinks is required.

For a unit to be killed, its entire strength must be done against it. So the current Battle Result is good enough to ensure no Units are killed.

But only one Spider would be killed...

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

HT-2 Spiders 1 of No Limit

CC-1 Spiders 3 of No Limit

CC-1 Yellow Units 5 of 6

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 36.0

36.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

YU-1(2-Web), YC-1(3-Web), YU-2(4), YC-2(3-Web), YC-3(6)

NPC Strength = 28.0

24.0 = Monster on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

SPIDER-1(4), SPIDER-6(4), SPIDER-8(4)

4.0 = Monster on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):


Current Battle Resolution

Battle would be a Victory.

Player would take 2 Damage

NPCs would take 6 Damage

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Player commits limit to Sewers
Turn: 1 Round 6

Round 6.

But let's kill these things.

1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-3) to Cavern Center (CC-2).

This is the maximum Stacking Limit for the Cavern Center in Sewers.

The Spiders ignore Stacking Limits, so the Player Units can use the entire Positions limits (Defender Limit + Attacker Limit).

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

HT-2 Spiders 1 of No Limit

CC-1 Spiders 3 of No Limit

CC-1 Yellow Units 6 of 6

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 44.0

44.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

YU-1(2-Web), YC-1(3-Web), YU-2(4), YC-2(3-Web), YC-3(6), YU-3(4)

NPC Strength = 28.0

24.0 = Monster on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

SPIDER-1(4), SPIDER-6(4), SPIDER-8(4)

4.0 = Monster on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):


Current Battle Resolution

Battle would be a Route.

Player would take 0 Damage

NPCs would take 8 Damage

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Player Supports Sewers
Turn: 1 Round 7

Round 7.

Tunnel End Positions also can support Combat, but not as well.

1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-5) to Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-1).

2: Move Yellow Unit (YU-6) to Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-1).

Note that the NPCs still only take 8 Damage, even with the extra support.

So this move was kind of a waste of time.

Resolve Combat.

The Game Engine is done until another NPC becomes Active.

The Player decides he will not contribute any more resources to the combat.

So it is time to resolve the Combat.

The NPCs (Spiders) take 8 Damage, which kills 2 Spiders.

Spider (SPIDER-1) Dies

3: Spider (SPIDER-6) Dies

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

HT-2 Spiders 1 of No Limit

HT-1 Yellow Units 2 of 3

CC-1 Spiders 1 of No Limit

CC-1 Yellow Units 6 of 6

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 52.0

44.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

YU-1(2-Web), YC-1(3-Web), YU-2(4), YC-2(3-Web), YC-3(6), YU-3(4)

8.0 = Player on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):

YU-5(4), YU-6(4)

NPC Strength = 28.0

24.0 = Monster on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

SPIDER-1(4), SPIDER-6(4), SPIDER-8(4)

4.0 = Monster on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):


Current Battle Resolution

Battle would be a Route.

Player would take 0 Damage

NPCs would take 8 Damage

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The Player Mines some Gems
Turn: 1 Round 7

Still Round 7.

Time to Mine some Gems

The Player commits a Unit to the Mines in Player Base I

1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-4) to Mine Position (MINE-1).

Mining is usually a several step process. These Mine Shafts don't normally dig themselves.

The Player will boost the Good Luck Spell to its maximum.

The decision to cast a Good Luck Spell must be made before the Dice Roll.

The Player will choose the extra Blue Gems, instead of the Roll Bonus.

Boost MineShaft Production by 1.

Blue Gem (B_GEM-4) Used

Boost MineShaft Production by 1.

Blue Gem (B_GEM-5) Used

The third boost requires a Green Gem.

2: Green Gem (G_GEM-1) Used

Combat Calculations: Player Base I


Mining is the best way to find Gems, which are required for casting Spells and some construction.

The Good Luck Spell

The Good Luck Spell increases Mining efficiency, and in The Hidden Mines, it's really useful. Its affects produce additional Gems in all Mine Positions in the Cavern.

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Evaluate Mining Effort
Turn: 1 Round 7

Roll the Dice

He chooses extra Blue Gems instead of a roll bonus.

For each Mine Shaft use the Gem Discovery Chart to determine the types of Gems discovered.

The Dice Roll = 8

Mine Shaft 1 Produces-> Blue Gem

Mine Shaft 2 Produces -> Red Gem

Mine Shaft 3 Produces -> Yellow Gem

Full Bonus for Good Luck Spell -> 5 per Mine Shaft Totalling 15

1: Remove All Mine Shafts on Mine Position (MINE-1).

Add 15 Blue Pieces

Add Red Gem

Add Yellow Piece

End of Round 7.

Combat Calculations: Player Base I


Mining is the best way to find Gems, which are required for casting Spells and some construction.

The Good Luck Spell

The Good Luck Spell increases Mining efficiency, and in The Hidden Mines, it's really useful. Its affects produce additional Gems in all Mine Positions in the Cavern.

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Decommit Sewers Phase 1
Turn: 1 Decommit

The Webbed Units can not move and must stay where they are.

Strategic Move the 3 un-webbed Units to Toad Hall

1: Move Yellow Commander (YC-3) to Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-1).

2: Move Yellow Unit (YU-2) to Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-1).

3: Move Yellow Unit (YU-3) to Horizontal Tunnel Position (HT-1).

Combat Calculations: Toad Hall


The Decommit Phase is the final Turn Phase.

During this Phase, the Players and the Game Engine Decommit their Units from their current Positions to a Unit Camp that still has room. Which ever side won the last combat Decommits first. In this case, the Player.

Strategic Move

The Strategic Move is a two step move from whatever Position a Piece occupies. It may Decommit into the Cavern in which it ends the Move. There is only room for 3 Player Units on the single Unit Camp in Sewers, so the rest will have to find somewhere else to go.

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Decommit To Player Base I
Turn: 1 Decommit

The only place left for the 2 Units in Sewers is back in Player Base I.

1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-5) to Unit Camp (UC-1).

2: Move Yellow Unit (YU-6) to Unit Camp (UC-1).

Combat Calculations: Player Base I


The Decommit Phase is the final Turn Phase.

During this Phase, the Players and the Game Engine Decommit their Units from their current Positions to a Unit Camp that still has room. Which ever side won the last combat Decommits first. In this case, the Player.

Strategic Move

The Strategic Move is a two step move from whatever Position a Piece occupies. It may Decommit into the Cavern in which it ends the Move. There is only room for 3 Player Units on the single Unit Camp in Sewers, so the rest will have to find somewhere else to go.

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Decommit Toad Hall Phase 2
Turn: 1 Decommit

Decommit the 3 Units to Toad Hall Unit Camp

1: Move Yellow Commander (YC-3) to Unit Camp (UC-1).

2: Move Yellow Unit (YU-2) to Unit Camp (UC-1).

3: Move Yellow Unit (YU-3) to Unit Camp (UC-1).

Spiders do not Decommit unless there are no Player Units on their Position.

Combat Calculations: Toad Hall


The Decommit Phase is the final Turn Phase.

During this Phase, the Players and the Game Engine Decommit their Units from their current Positions to a Unit Camp that still has room. Which ever side won the last combat Decommits first. In this case, the Player.

Strategic Move

The Strategic Move is a two step move from whatever Position a Piece occupies. It may Decommit into the Cavern in which it ends the Move. There is only room for 3 Player Units on the single Unit Camp in Sewers, so the rest will have to find somewhere else to go.

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Decommit Player Base I
Turn: 1 Decommit

1: Move Yellow Unit (YU-4) to Unit Camp (UC-1).

Combat Calculations: Player Base I


The Decommit Phase is the final Turn Phase.

During this Phase, the Players and the Game Engine Decommit their Units from their current Positions to a Unit Camp that still has room. Which ever side won the last combat Decommits first. In this case, the Player.

Strategic Move

The Strategic Move is a two step move from whatever Position a Piece occupies. It may Decommit into the Cavern in which it ends the Move. There is only room for 3 Player Units on the single Unit Camp in Sewers, so the rest will have to find somewhere else to go.

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Turn: 1 Decommit

Reset Siege Engines

1: Place Siege Engine on Yellow Commander (YC-1)

2: Place Siege Engine on Yellow Commander (YC-2)

3: Place Siege Engine on Yellow Commander (YC-3)

Combat Calculations: Toad Hall


The Decommit Phase is the final Turn Phase.

During this Phase, the Players and the Game Engine Decommit their Units from their current Positions to a Unit Camp that still has room. Which ever side won the last combat Decommits first. In this case, the Player.

Strategic Move

The Strategic Move is a two step move from whatever Position a Piece occupies. It may Decommit into the Cavern in which it ends the Move. There is only room for 3 Player Units on the single Unit Camp in Sewers, so the rest will have to find somewhere else to go.

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Decommit Sewers Phase 3
Turn: 1 Decommit

Remove all Marker Gems

1: Remove Gem from Yellow Unit (YU-1)

2: Remove Gem from Yellow Unit (YU-4)

Combat Calculations: Sewers

Current Stack Sizes

HT-2 Spiders 1 of No Limit

CC-1 Spiders 1 of No Limit

CC-1 Yellow Units 3 of 6

Battle Strength

Yellow Player Strength = 16.0

16.0 = Player on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):

YU-1(2-Web), YC-1(3-Web), YC-2(3-Web)

NPC Strength = 12.0

8.0 = Monster on Sewers.Cavern Center(x2.0):


4.0 = Monster on Sewers.Horizontal Tunnel(x1.0):


Current Battle Resolution

Battle would be a Minor Victory.

Player would take 2 Damage

NPCs would take 4 Damage

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End of Turn 1
Turn: 1 Decommit

Turn 1 has Ended.

Continue with Turn 2

Combat Calculations: Sewers
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